Friday, May 30, 2008

My New Toys

So here are some of my new toys. Although a couple of them I've had for a while, I've never really used them till now and they're still in new condition so I feel they are new. Anyway, this sweet looking flashlight from my work is a really nice one that I look forward to using on my next camping trip. Then there's a picture printer that came with the camera I bought from Kandis' coworker that I've been meaning to use but haven't. SOON!!! And last but not least...the extremely new printer/scanner I bought myself. I practically had to chase down the DHL guy to deliver it! I've already used it and it's awesome. Thanks to DELL and technology I'll be able to do more things on my blog that I've been wanting to. Oh, and the oragami paper unicorn was made by my friend Sunny. Amazing huh?

One more thing.... You remember that song..."The farmer in the dale, the farmer in the dale, hi..
ho..the merry-o, the farmer in the dale"? Well, if you look closely at each of the Dell Logos in the should be able to see me. Nifty, huh?! Now people can sing..."The Erika in the Dell, The Erika in the Dell, hi..ho..the merry-o, the Erika in the Dell!"