Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Yo Soy Rebelde!

It's tough acting so innocent day in & day out! April Fool's is always a good day to let my true colors shine! My roommates weren't home all day so I had to take my wrath out on my co-workers. ;) There was only so much damage I could do since I was there less than 3 hours. I was able to at least play one prank per co-worker. He! He!

For one of them I switched the top of their teller stamp so when they stamped their checks it stamped upside down. That was no big deal but then for another co-worker, I took the ball out of his mouse and hid it so he couldn't move the cursor on the computer. Little did I know that he would become the "curser" as it was keeping him from clocking in. =0) Just kidding he wasn't cursing and he found the ball but it still kept him from clocking in on time.
Then last, but not least,...the other co-worker left her sucker on some sticky notes. (I wonder if that's why they call them sticky notes?!) I couldn't help the urge to do a couple things with that one. I could either tape the sucker to the sticky notes, or glue it to the sticky notes, or better yet...use some of the sea salt from the break room to spice up her sucker. I chose the third idea. The funniest part about it was that she thought it tasted weird at first however she had just eaten Ramen Noodles for lunch and thought the taste was just carrying over from that. I laughed so hard!!!! It probably wasn't my most productive work day, but it was sure fun and made us all laugh.
A little later than day, as I was running errands, my car was having problems. Its been acting up and needing some work done but I haven't really had the time, money or energy to take it to my mechanic. I'm sure some of my family and friends thought I was pulling their leg when I told them that my car was in the shop and I needed a ride home. Luckily for me, they believed me and I got a ride home.
Although I had more tricks up my sleeve, I guess they'll just have to wait till next year. Don't say I didn't warn you! =o)


Diane said...

Here I thought you were such a sweet inocent little thing. Glad it wasn't April Fool's Day while we were on the cruise!!