Monday, March 17, 2008


So...after St. Patrick's Day, are you feelin' lucky??? I hope so. I'm sure you've heard the phrases...."you lucky dog","lucky duck", "thank my lucky stars", "come on lucky sevens" or even "lucky you", and....don't forget...."lucky me"! But my personal favorite is "You're out of luck!" Well, my St. Patrick's Day felt just like that-my luck ran out! It started out nice (which was deceiving) but ended up being a frustrating day. I put a hole in my shirt, caused one of my tellers to be off $5000(it will get fixed but it's still frustrating), left work late because our members didn't leave until 7:15 when we're supposed to be closed at 7:00, and had a 3 hour conversation covering the same points like 10 times due to a language barrier. The guy even brought an interpreter but after you get the interpreter to finally understand what you're saying, you hope he can do the same for the guy he interprets for. It also doesn't help that my coworkers helped at least 7 people in the time that I helped one. It was reeeediculous!!!!!!!!!

OH.....and March Madness is taking on a whole new meaning in my life!!! At work, we've been doing a basketball theme for our certificate campaign that we have going on and we've divided into 3 teams- The Brine Shrimp, The Rebels, and The Fire-Breathing Rubber Duckies. (Care to guess which team I'm on??? See the poll to the right.) --->

Well, co-workers will jokingly comment that my team could do better and that I've done nothing to contribute. Deep down I know that's the nice way of saying "you suck and you better step it up". I'd just like you to all know that I was the one who got my team started and the second one to open a certificate! So there! Besides, it's been SOOOOO busy at our branch!!! So much to do, so little time! You'd think the basketball theme would be a huge motivator for me but sometimes I feel like just not participating.

Have you ever wondered where the name "fighting Irish" came from? Could it be that once they ran out of luck they turned to violence as the answer? If so, just call me Irish.

You're going to think this is lame, but I want to share it anyway. I heard a story at church (I'll give the short version) where a bird built a nest for her eggs in a wreath hanging on a front door. The bird later realized it was a poor choice of location to build her nest and keep her eggs because of all the people going in & out of the front door. The speaker said it was very unfortunate to find the bird had abandoned the nest and broke the eggs before leaving. The moral of the story I got from that lesson was: It's good luck to "break a leg" but it's bad luck to "break an egg"! Just something to think about now that we're passed St. Patrick's Day and fast approaching Easter! Thanks for reading! Till next time....


Wendy L said...

I sure hope I break a leg and not an egg! Erika, You are the best. I laughed the whole blog through.
Love ya!

JaNae said...

Hey hope life is lookin more up:) What to go shoot some hoops at gold's gym sometime? I'm on my spring break. Just give me a call:) Love your face!

Diane said...

You crack me up. This blog had me cracking up (little pun). Thanks for the fun Easter phone call. You know you are welcome ANY TIME. Just drop by. You are one of the fam'.